International Day To End Violence Against Sex Workers
Register @
To add a name to the memorial list, Please fill out the JOTFORM FOR 2024:

To hear about Button’s Journey to meet DR Maya Angelou register here
Register for #FREEHER Conference here
Sex Worker Pride 2022 link
Getting To Zero: Decriminalizing Sex Work Educational Symposium- [link]
#StandwithSexWorkers Register here
PRESS RELEASE Formerly Incarcerated Activists
_2021 IDTEVASW Memorial list for the US
COYOTE will be speaking on a panel at the National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls, 2021 FREE HER conference in Boston Oct 1st-2rd. The virtual conference will be held on Sunday, Oct 3rd from 6- 8 pm. Please register at Follow us online @thecouncilus @coyoteri #FREEHER
Liberating Women: For Us, by US- Zoom Link: April 11th, 2021 at 5 pm est
Register at to attend.
Major! RIC Film Screening Password- ricpride2021
Celebration of Life for Margo St James- the founder of COYOTE- tickets available [link]
We are excited to announce an ONLYFANS survey out of Rutgers. A huge thank you to Jay Bosworth, for including COYOTEs input on the survey questions and for supporting New Jersey Red Umbrella Alliance.
December 17th – 2020 International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers- Memorial Video
Join us on Zoom on Dec 17th, 2020 from 9 am to midnight, click on the zoom link to join
Lecture at Rutgers Dec 14th, 2020
Texas Christian University Symposium February 7th, 2019
The 2018 USA International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers Event List
Transgender Day of Remembrance 2018 Memorial List
Trojan Scholar Spotlight: Sexual & Reproductive Health and Rights at USC -October 23rd, 2018 Livestream here
Symposium- Naming (In) Justice- Ohio State- October 18, 2018
Texas Christian University September 25th, 2018
Below, Nino, Bella, and Ester at Texas Christian University Presentation by Coyote Sept 25th, 2018
#SFS18 Day 2 Workshop 2: FOSTA! How Congress Broke the Internet Livestream here:
June 2st, 2018 International Sex Worker Day Events
Providence, RI
- Take Back the Neighborhood: Rally 4 Against Criminalization
- Saturday, June 2st 2018, 12 pm to 2 pm
- Location: Roger William Memorial Park (282 N Main St, Providence, RI 02903)
- Facebook Event Page
- For more information contact
New York:
- Time: 2-4 pm on June 2
- Location: Christopher Park across from Stonewall Inn
- Facebook event
- Contact for questions:
- Time: 12-1:30 pm on June 2
- Location: Daley Plaza Chicago Loop at the Picasso sculpture
- Facebook event
- Contact:
- The additional workshop on digital security (for sex workers only) on June 3, details to come soon
Bay Area ( Oakland CA)
- Time: 12 – 4 pm on June 2
- Location: Oscar Grant Plaza (14th Street and Broadway, Oakland)
- Details: bring signs and friends/allies and wear red!
- Facebook event
- Contact:
- Twitter: @BayProsSupport
San Francisco
Protest FOSTA/SESTA / Picket Clusterfest & Anti-Sex Work Comic Amy Schumer!- Saturday, June 2nd, 2018, at 4 pm
Los Angeles
- Time: 3 pm on June 2nd
- Location: Boardners (1652 Cherokee Avenue)
- Contact:
Austin, TX
Funeral for the Death of Safer Sex Work on Intl Whores Day – SWOP SEATTLE
- Time: 2 pm on June 2nd
- Location: Eastern Market Metro station
- Organizations:
Las Vegas
- Time: 9 am gathering, 10 am begin marching before the rally on June 2nd
- Poster Making Social 3:30 to9:30
Ohio- June 2nd
- details coming soon
Philadelphia- June 1st
Philadelphia PA Sex Work Lobby Day 6/1
JUNE 2ND- FB event page
The Sex Ed with Liz Goldwyn, Nina Hartley, and Dita Von Teese May 22st, 2018
Righting Carceral Feminism’s Wrongs in a #MeToo Era-March 6th 2018
March 15th, 2018- NY
EMPOWER Collective Visiting Philadelphia- March 12th, 2018
Empower – a Thai sex worker collective – Public Meeting Welcome–
March 19th, 2018, at 7 PM – 9 PM PDT
Omni Commons 4799 Shattuck Ave, Oakland, California 94609
We’re sex workers and we vote’: Women’s March event shines light on a marginalized group– Jan 23rd, 2018
Anchorage Alaska #IDEVASW #D17 #SexWorker
International Day To End Violence Against Sex Workers 2017
A Memorial for Peppermint Patty
Sunday, December 17, 2017, at 1 pm at the Alaska Center for Alternative Lifestyles at 420 West 3rd Ave Anchorage Alaska (The large brick building on the corner of E and 3rd downtown. The entrance is in the large parking lot side of the building. Located inside the old Potluck Events.)
For more info contact
Brooklyn, New York
The Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers presents the Glits Ball-
#IDEVASW #D17 #SexWorker
Sunday, December 17th, 2017 from 6 PM to 11 PM
Location: Brooklyn Night Bazaar 150n Greenpoint Ave Brooklyn, NY
DJ Frankie paradise door hostess and personality Daisy Lopez, two quest performers, several different rooms of events.
Kinky karaoke room of reflection, BDSM room along with a lot of other treats for the night.
We are in need of red umbrellas flowers candles swag and the 500.00 venue price for this amazing space and we promise to make this event not only the best event ever and to bring attention to a large level to end violence and change the minds of many when it comes to sex work…
For more information contact Ceyenne at
Event Location: On the steps of Judson Memorial Church, 55 Washington Square South, NYC, 7:30-8:30 pm.
Hosted by: The Reproductive Rights Committee of Judson
Contact Person: Veronica Vera
All are invited.Wigs and masks provided available for those who need them. We will also have candles but you are encouraged to bring one or use your cell phone or flashlight. Additional info will be sent as it becomes available.
Emergency Rally for our Fallen Comrade- Flushing, NY- #IDEVASW #D17 #SexWorker
Hosted by Justice for Alisha Walker and Lysistrata
Sunday, December 17 at 12 PM – 1:30 PM
NYPD 109th Precinct 37-05 union Street, Flushing, New York 11354
Shame on the NYPD! Your raids are killing women! Your raids are destroying families, criminalizing survivors, deporting hard-working people and terrorizing our communities! Get out of parlors and stay out!
How can these massage parlor raids be justified when women are dying?!
Meet at the 109th Precinct at NOON for speak out and moment of rage. Allies, accomplices, friends, family all welcome.
December 17th is International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers, join us to demand an end to police terror.
***We will have scarves on hand if you need to protect your identity, send us a message before the event.***
SWOP LA #IDEVASW #D17 #SexWorker
Swop MI – High Park, Michigan- #IDEVASW #D17 #SexWorker
Community Vigil: Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers
***We are seeking donations of food and toiletries to give away at this event, as well as performers (artists, musicians, dancers, etc)!! Contact Zee St. James at for information***
December 17th Event 2pm-5pm
Ruth Ellis Center 77 Victor St, Highland Park, Michigan 48203
We will open with a brief history of the date, observance of those lost to violence, then open the mic to anyone who wants to share or read, poetry, stories of hope, etc.
We will have a table set up to write holiday cards and letters for SWOP Behind Bars.
We are also doing a book drive for their libraries. They accept new or gently used, preferably less than 10 years old. They can not have any writing or highlight in the books. Self-help books and books on trauma and healing are often requested.
Also, Ruth Ellis Center is in need of winter attire. New or gently used coats, hats, gloves, scarves. They mentioned a particular need for L and XL ladies coats.
This is a public event. Significant others, family, and friends are all welcome and encouraged.
SWOP Minneapolis- #IDEVASW #D17 #SexWorker
Candlelight Vigil for Dec 17th
It will be at RARE house (the upstairs at cafe southside in Minneapolis) at
7 pm on 12/17/2017
3405 Chicago Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55407
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA
Memorial Vigil- #IDEVASW #D17 #SexWorker
Sunday, December 17th, 2017 from 3-5
Thomas Paine Plaza (Across from City Hall)
1401 John F Kennedy Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 19102
Please let me know if you will participate in the form of creating art including helping with posters or a banner, or
If you would like to speak. We have a private sound system donated. You do not need to be a sex worker to come or to be involved. You just need to care. All are welcome. We place aside our differences to come together with respect and love to honor those not here to share their story. Facebook page is being set up now. More details to come after Thanksgiving. Contact
Thanks so much –
#IDEVASW #D17 #SexWorker
COYOTE RI (Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics) joins Sex Workers, allies and advocates from around the world in recognizing “International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers”
Sunday, December 17th, 2017
Time: 12:00pm-3:00pm
Location” 10 Davol Square Unit 100, Providence RI 02903
Free community event – light lunch & childcare will be provided.
Contact: Bella Robinson at 401-525-8757
International Day to End Violence against Sex Workers San Francisco Bay Area event- #IDEVASW #D17 #SexWorker
December 17, 2017 at Center for Sex & Culture 1349 Mission Street {between 9th& 10th Sts.}
film show, discussion &potluck, 2-4 pm *workshop 4-7 pm {see below}
Les Prostitutées de Lyon Parlent – The Prostitutes of Lyon Speak by Carole Roussopoulos On June 3, 1975, 150 prostitute women occupied one of the main churches in the center of Lyon, France. A banner was hung over the church façade ‘Our children don’t want their mothers in prison.’ The occupation was sparked by the brutal torture and murder of sex workers, and a police crackdown. Instead of going after the murderer/s, the police were handing out fines and threatening women with prison. Within weeks churches had been occupied all over France including in Paris. The church occupations sparked the modern-day sex workers rights movement.
45 min Tales of the Grim Sleeper by Nick Broomfield (excerpts) Clips from Tales of the Grim Sleeper – a devastating expose of the lack of value police placed on the lives of Black women, many of whom were sex workers working the street in Los Angeles. It documents the case of the serial murders of Black women in LA, & law enforcement and officials’ criminal neglect, also campaigning by the Black Coalition Fighting Back Serial Murders for police accountability and justice for the victims and their families. sponsored by US PROStitutes Collective & In Defense of Prostitute Women’s Safety, ( )(415) 626-4114
Washington, DC- End Violence Against Sex Workers- #IDEVASW #D17 #SexWorker
Saturday, December 16th, 2017 from 1: pm- 5: pm
The Reeve’s Center- (main hallway)
2000 14th St. NW
Washington DC 20009
ESPLER V GASCON in the 9th District Court of Appeals.- Oct 19th, 2017
16-15927 Erotic Svc Provider Legal Edu. v. George Gascon
Sept 24th, 2017
NH #HB287 #DecrimNow- Sept 5th 2017
We are so grateful to the courageous activists who came to Concord today to support HB 287 at one of its subcommittee hearings. This bill would create a study committee to examine the costs and benefits of alternative legal approaches to sex work.
1st photo- From left to right: Reverend Sarah Carpenter, me, Laurel, Bella Robinson from COYOTE RI, Eris Vayle and Melanie Dante from the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers, and Professor Joelle Ryan of UNH.
“Hookers for health care’ are fighting against Trumpcare” July 19th, 2017
Hat tip to our good friend Cris Sardina director of Desiree Alliance, who is on her way to DC with 100 activists who have volunteered to be arrested tomorrow. (July 18th, 2017)
“You’ll have to drag me out of this building senator because I will not stand up and walk away until this healthcare bill is destroyed!!!!!!
It will be well choreographed! This kickass group is well organized and they have prepaid the fines that people will ensure from their arrest.
Don’t kill me! Kill the bill! Health care is a human right!
Bella Robinson – Framing the narrative
At #clpp2017 and sex workers well welcomed and engaged in the reproductive rights movement talking about mass incarceration, motherhood, community and women’s healthcare! Knowledge is power!
Since when did persecuting sex workers stop human trafficking? by Scholar Bella Robinson
Addressing the FBI and Polaris Project regarding their failed approach in Super Bowl sex trafficking by Scholar Bella Robinson
New Hampshire May See Decriminalization of Sex Work March 2nd, 2016
Desiree Alliance New Orleans 2016
Leadership class at the 2014 Northeast Summer School for Union Women.