International Day To End Violence Against Sex Workers
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International Day To End Violence Against Sex Workers
Support group for Formerly Incarcerated Women by COYOTE RI & Once Incarcerated Anonymous. Please use the QR code in the flyer to register or register here.
“Healing Hustlers” is an online weekly sex worker support group for sex workers and survivors. Please use the QR code to register or register here

Sex Worker Pride 2022 link

Thank you State Senator Cynthia Mendes for sponsoring the bill to decriminalize RI sex workers, and expunge their records. YOU ROCK!!!
Getting To Zero: Decriminalizing Sex Work Educational Symposium- [link]
Register for Let RI Vote [link]
COYOTE RI 2021 IDTEVASW Memorial List for the US
Real Talk: Collaborative Conversations about Collaborative Work – Elena Shih & Bella Robinson- November 5th,m 2021 at 11 am EST. Registration link
COYOTE will be speaking on a panel at the National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls, 2021 FREE HER conference in Boston Oct 1st-2rd. The virtual conference will be held on Sunday, Oct 3rd from 6- 8 pm, Please, register at Follow us online @thecouncilus @coyoteri #FREEHER
Join us on August 18th, 2021 from noon to 1:30 pm est, for Sex IS Part of Advancing Reproductive Rights & Justice- Livestream link
RI Clemency Awareness Panel [link]
FB event page [link]
FB event page [link]
Thank you to everyone who showed to the art build to make the signs, banner and sew the names of our women inside for the clemency quilt! It was amazing and powerful!
Guests: National Council of Incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women and girls. [link]
Liberating Women: For Us, by US- Zoom Link: April 11th, 2021 at 5 pm est
STOP ASIAN HATE MARCH organized by The Collective Youth Organizers
Saturday, April 3, 2021, at 1 PM EDT
Old Mountain Field 831 Kingstown Road, Wakefield, Rhode Island
Register at to attend.
Major! RIC Film Screening Password- ricpride2021
Celebration of Life for Margo St James- the founder of COYOTE- tickets available [link]
All Sex Workers Go To Heaven. This video was created as a Coyote RI Project. We are eternally grateful for the service in which Margo lived her life. She paved the way for the next generation of social justice surrounding the ethical treatment and human rights of Sex workers globally. We strive daily to honor her by continuing her work. For more visit us at Rest In Peace Margo St. James. [ Video link]
We are excited to announce an ONLYFANS survey out of Rutgers. A huge thank you to Jay Bosworth, for including COYOTEs’ input on the survey questions and for supporting New Jersey Red Umbrella Alliance.
December 17th, – 2020 International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers- Memorial Video
Join us on Zoom on Dec 17th, 2020 from 9 am to midnight, click on the zoom link to join
The pandemic is disproportionately impacting communities of color in Rhode Island. We are demanding Health Equity for People of Color. We demand that state leaders take proactive measures to effect programmatic and structural changes, which are needed to ensure equitable care for all communities in the state of Rhode Island! Support your community by signing this petition today! Support your community by signing this petition today!
Black Women Matter Celebration- June 20th, 2020 Video
Providence’s Annual Dyke and Trans People of Color (DTPOC) March
Burnside Park, Providence, Rhode Island Providence, Rhode Island-Friday, 6/18/20, at 8 PM
Defund the Police Rally, June 14th, 2020 video
Black Lives Matter Protest Providence June 5th, 2020- video
Violence Against Women Revisited: Intersectional Sex Worker Organizing
Thursday, March 12th, 2020 -10:30 AM-12:00 PM, Sarah Doyle Center for Women and Gender (26 Benevolent St, Providence, RI 02912)
Sex work has historically been a loaded issue, inciting heated debates across the globe. This event will revisit the radical values, history, and practices of the activism surrounding the topic and ask two-lifetime activists who have fought at the forefront of sex workers’ rights. Come join us for coffee, tea, and cookies, as scholar-activist, Margo Okazawa-Rey, and the director of COYOTE RI, Bella Robinson, share their perspectives generated from years of organizing for sex workers’ rights. Let us lovingly yet critically challenge some popular myths about sex work. We also have a collection of zines created by sex workers for folks to explore.
Coyote RI has changed the venue and substance of how we are commemorating International Sex Workers Rights Day. As we shift our legislative and policy priorities for the coming year, on March 3rd, we will be meeting at The Dark Lady ( 19 Snow St, Providence, RI 02903) from 6 PM to 9 PM, to honor sex worker rights as human rights. We will come together in community and in joy, as a portion of all proceeds during the event will contribute to Coyote’s ongoing efforts to meet the immediate health and safety concerns of workers in (in)formal sex work arrangements. As we move further into 2020, Coyote will continue amplifying the voices of marginalized populations and strengthening the agency of sex workers to advocate for their health, safety, and rights without discrimination and receive equal protection under the law.
??Celebrating Our Community and Resistance! ??
Date: February 14, 2020 (Friday).
Time: 6:00 – 9:00 pm
Location: 669 Elmwood Ave. Suite B-13
Providence, RI 02907 (PrYSM & AMOR Office)
Coyote’s 5th Annual “International Day To End Violence Against Sex Workers” Event
Tuesday, December 17th, 2019 (6-8 PM) @ Providence Youth Student Movement- 669 Elmwood Ave Suite B13, Providence, RI 02907, FB Event Page
COYOTE RI observes the International Day to End. 2019
10 Years After Re-Criminalization: Reflecting on a Decade of Anti-Trafficking Activism in Rhode Island Forum. Featured Student Panelists: Julianna Brown, Matthew Marcielloand Yanhoo Cho
Saturday October 19th, 2019 -10:00 am – 10:50 am
IBES, Room 130, 85 Waterman St Providence, RI
The event page is here
Slideshow here,
3rd Annual AMOR Lobster Fest: Good Food for a Good Cause- Tickets by Eventbrite
Saturday, 21 September 2019 from 12:00-19:00
Providence Friends Meeting 99 Morris Ave, Providence, Rhode Island 02906
Mark your calendars! In honor of International Sex Workers Day” on June 8th, Coyote will be participating in AMOR’s annual Grill-Off. Not only will we be grilling up some yummy food, but we will also be tabling our migrant sex workers material so our community can learn more about supporting undocumented sex workers. AMOR Annual Grill off Facebook event page
Mark your calendars, Coyote RI, is to be presented with the Red Bandana Award. June 9th, 2019, 3 pm to 6 pm, at Providence Fire Fighters 92 Printery St, Providence, Rhode Island 02904. This is a potluck event. Please come celebrate with Coyote. FB event page
House Judiciary Committee hearing on H5354, April 30th, 2019
Critics of criminal prostitution laws urge changes at R.I. House hearing –April 30th, 2019
House Judiciary Committee hearing on H5354- starts around the 1-hour mark
Providence City Council Resolution in Support of H5354
Monday, April 22nd, 2019 @7pm, Providence City Hall
Sex Work and Pornography workshop
Thursday, April 11th, 2019 @9:30-11pm
*Join Sexual Health Awareness Group (SHAG) and sex worker rights activist Bella Robinson at the Sarah Doyle Center for a night of engaging discussion about intersectionality within the sex work and pornography industries! We will be hosting an open-ended late night conversation to learn about these topics and unpack stereotypes surrounding them, with a raffle to win a special prize at the end!*
Tickets -March 18th, 2019
March 14th, 2019 @3pm- RI 1st Sex Worker Lobby Day at the RI State House
RHCA: Health Professional Lobby Day- Facebook event page
Coyote Retreat at Jamar Hookah Bar, in honor of International Sex Worker Rights Day.
Gofundme to support the 225 people out of work due to Foxy Lady being shut down
Transgender Day of Remembrance 2018 Memorial List
AMOR Retreat at FANG, November 15th & 16th, 2018- 3:30 PM to 8:30 PM
OR Retreat November 15th, 2018- 3:30 PM to 8:30 PMJoin us at the 2nd Annual AMOR Lobster Fest on September 29 at 390 Pontiac Ave, Cranston, RI. There will be three rounds of delicious, delicious food with lobster, vegetarian and other options, and plenty of space to learn about AMOR’s actions and community building. You can find the Facebook event here.
Porn in Public: Aural Sex Season 2 Release Party with Coyote R tabling.
September 27th, 2018- 6 pm- 8pm @ AS220 115 Empire St, Providence, Rhode Island 02903
AMOR Mental Health Provider Training
When: 9.23.18
Part 1: 10:30am – 1:30pm
Part 2: 3:00pm – 6:30pm
Where: The FANG Collective
545 Pawtucket Ave.
Pawtucket, RI
THIS IS PART 1 OF A 2 PART SERIES. Mental Health Providers interested in supporting AMOR must attend both pieces of training.
On September 13, Direct Action for Rights and Equality (DARE) will host a Soul Food Dinner Fundraiser at 340 Lockwood Street, Providence, RI from 4pm-8pm. Attendees can enjoy a tasty meal and learn about the history of soul food. You can buy tickets here.
August 22nd, DARE (Direct Action for Rights and Equality) will hold a city council candidate forum addressing Providence’s Housing Crisis. The event will take place at the Elmwood Community Center from 5pm-8pm. Anyone is encouraged to ask questions on how candidates plan to address lack of long-term, affordable housing in Providence. Facebook link: here.
PrYSM (Providence Youth Student Movement) will be hosting a block party on August 17th from 4:00pm-9: 00 pm at 669 Elmwood Ave. It’ll be a great opportunity to learn about PrYSM actions including the rolling out of the Community Safety Act and other initiatives. Come socialize, enjoy free snacks, and get involved! Facebook link: here.
AMOR Grill Off 2018! June 16th, 2018 at 11:00–15:00
2 Manchester Print Works Rd- Sites 48 to 58- Lincoln, Rhode Island 0286
Join us for an open art build! We are hoping to create art for AMOR RI – Alianza para Movilizar Nuestra Resistencia and their partnered organizations – especially! We hope you can come out to finish up some projects and create new art for our local organizations and upcoming events!
Event Date: April 21st, 2018 at 11 AM to– 3 PM
Location The FANG Collective 545 Pawtucket Ave, Pawtucket, Rhode Island
Whitewashing Abolition: Race, Displacement, and Combating Human Trafficking
Join us on March 15th through the 16th for a two-day event titled, “Whitewashing Abolition: Race, Displacement, and Combating Human Trafficking.” The event is in partnership with the Center for the Study of Slavery and Justice Human Trafficking research cluster and will include workshops, panels, and discussions.
Click here to register
Full Conference video [link]
March 15th, 2018
In honor of International Sex Worker Rights Day– Coyote RI will be hosting a self-care day on Sunday, March 4th, 2018 at 11 am. Contact for details
Call the AMOR Support Line at 401-675-1414 if you are dealing with an immigration issue or police violence- Feb 15th, 2018
Support Line Launch Party in RI – AMOR
Wednesday, February 14 at 6 PM – 8 PM
669 Elmwood Ave, Providence, RI 02907-3313, United States
Sunday, February 4, 2018, at 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
1220 Kingstown Rd Peace Dale, Rhode Island 02897
Join us for The Collective’s first Souper Sunday! Each month a guest speaker will offer a discussion on a topic that relates to social justice and/or human rights and The Collective will provide delicious homemade soups.
This month’s Souper Sunday discussion, “Trafficking and the Industrial Complex: How Policies Affect the Every-Day Lives of Sex Workers” will be led by Bella Robinson, a sex worker’s rights activist who has worked in the sex industry for over thirty years.
Bella’s talk will focus on learning about the realities of people who work in the sex industry. “There are many levels of empowerment, and sex workers come in all genders, races, and ages. We are a diverse population that is highly marginalized and discriminated against. Supporting the human rights of sex workers does not necessarily mean that you approve of it, it just means that you agree that the violence, stigma, discrimination, and criminalization of this population isn’t OK.”
As the founder and executive director of the Rhode Island Chapter of Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics (COYOTE RI), Bella looks to build and strengthen support networks for sex workers in Rhode Island and she works in close collaboration with activists nationwide.
Bella’s personal experiences with the criminal justice system over the past four decades give her unparalleled expertise in the areas of sex trafficking and sex worker rights.
Sarah Markey on the left, Bella Robinson on the right
Women on march again this weekend at State House– January 17, 2018
Video from the 2018 Women’s March RI
R.I. Women’s March: Goal is to reaffirm activism
Jan 9th, 2018
After 2 years of hard work. HB 287, establishing a committee to study issues related to changing prostitution laws in New Hampshire, passes the House. Now to get it passed in the Senate and then sex workers will finally get a seat at the table. Major props to Rep Elizabeth Edwards-Appell
Sunday, February 4, 2018, at 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM
1220 Kingstown Rd Peace Dale, Rhode Island 02897
Join us for The Collective’s first Souper Sunday! Each month a guest speaker will offer a discussion on a topic that relates to social justice and/or human rights and The Collective will provide delicious homemade soups.
This month’s Souper Sunday discussion, “Trafficking and the Industrial Complex: How Polices Affect the Every-Day Lives of Sex Workers” will be led by Bella Robinson, a sex worker’s rights activist who has worked in the sex industry for over thirty years.
Bella’s talk will focus on learning about the realities of people who work in the sex industry. “There are many levels of empowerment, and sex workers come in all genders, races, and ages. We are a diverse population that is highly marginalized and discriminated against. Supporting the human rights of sex workers does not necessarily mean that you approve of it, it just means that you agree that the violence, stigma, discrimination, and criminalization of this population isn’t OK.”
As the founder and executive director of the Rhode Island Chapter of Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics (COYOTE RI), Bella looks to build and strengthen support networks for sex workers in Rhode Island and she works in close collaboration with activists nationwide.
Bella’s personal experiences with the criminal justice system over the past four decades give her unparalleled expertise in the areas of sex trafficking and sex worker rights.
International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers 2017 Coyote RI Dec 19th, 2017
December 17th, 2017 from 12 pm to 3 pm.
International Day To End Violence Against Sex Workers– will be held at SE Green, 10 Davol Square Unit 100, Providence, RI 02903
This is a free community event, a light lunch will be served and childcare will be provided.
Many of the systems and institutes that are supposed to protect us are send to erase us
November 20th, 2017 is Transgender Day of Remembrance. Please watch and share this beautiful video produced by our colleagues at TGEU – Transgender Europe. And remember that the vast majority of trans people murdered every year are sex workers. If you are an LGBT / trans organization, you MUST do more to include the needs of trans sex workers in your organization. And you MUST support publicly and vocally the decriminalization of sex work. Sitting on the fence / being silent about sex workers’ rights is a betrayal of the trans community. In solidarity.
Trans Day of Remembrance – #NoMore
Monday, November 20 at 7 PM – 9 PM
393 Broad St, Providence, Rhode Island 02907
Brown Immigrant Rights Coalition is proud to present FUCK BORDERS: A PEOPLE’S PARTY!
Friday, November 17 at 9 PM – 3 AM
Watermyn Co-Op 166 Waterman, Providence, R
We are throwing a benefit concert and afterparty to raise funds for the community coalition AMOR, (Alliance to Mobilize and Organize the Resistance)!
AMOR consists of grassroots organizations that have come together to create a community-led rapid response network for folks in the community affected by violence, state or otherwise. Some of their initiatives include creating a sanctuary housing network and emergency legal services for folks targetted by ICE or other law enforcement. It is written in the BIRC mission that we will not know justice until our circle of compassion is expanded to include all struggles, and the folks at AMOR are doing just that.
HEADLINER: Ushamami!!! (
Roland Stowe
Mute Blue (
Stella Akua Mensah (
Dr.Jay (
$8.00 at the door (Cash/Venmo/Credit/Debit/Check
Join us for our 1st AMOR Lobster Fest!
Photos from Lobster Fest- We had a wonderful day, great food, good music, and we even had a marching band.
The fabulous Jennifer Musto at her book signing on Oct 17th, 2017.
Monica James Abolition and Trans Justice– Oct 2st 2017
This event is co-sponsored by the Center for the Study of Slavery and Justice (CSSJ) Human Trafficking Research Cluster, CSSJ Sexuality and Unfreedom Research Cluster, the Sarah Doyle Women’s Center, the LGBTQ Resource Center, the Dean of the College, the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, and a coalition of students for Trans Studies at Brown.
September 27th, 2017 Bella Robinson from Coyote RI Presented at Brown University to Dr. Elena Shih’s Trafficking Class.
NH Rep Elizabeth Edwards, explains harm reduction- Sept 5th, 2017
NH #HB287 #DecrimNow- Sept 5th 2017
We are so grateful to the courageous activists who came to Concord today to support HB 287 at one of its subcommittee hearings. This bill would create a study committee to examine the costs and benefits of alternative legal approaches to sex work.
1st photo- From left to right: Reverend Sarah Carpenter, me, Laurel, Bella Robinson from COYOTE RI, Eris Vayle, and Melanie Dante from the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers, and Professor Joelle Ryan of UNH.
Settling into the second evening at the #PoMetacomCamp.
If you are able to, please send supplies to keep the Camp going strong:
AMOR Volunteer Orientation + Training
Saturday, August 19th, from 12:00-3:00 PM
At 10 Davol Square (TRI Lab) in Providence
We are looking forward to seeing you there as we work to build community resistance.
DARE’s Juneteenth!! CSA Celebration Block Party! Public event, Hosted by Community Safety Act. Monday June 19th 2017 – 4pm-8pm at DARE-340 Lockwood St, Providence, RI 02907
AMOR ORIENTATION June 17th, 2017 from 12 to 3 pm. at DARE 340 Lockwood St, Providence, RI 02907
Calling All: Community Members! AMOR- Alliance to Mobilize Our Resistance
Come learn about the structure of the AMOR Alliance and its emergency hotline.
Find out how you can become directly involved in our efforts to build a community-powered rapid response network. This network will be responding to the increasingly common instances of state-sponsored and individual acts of hate in our communities.
How do you fit into the AMOR network?
How to take action as an individual:
**Mapping Community Resources and Strengths
**Discussing how you would like to get involved!
**Explaining how you can become a block organizer.
June 13, 2017, Driver’s Licenses for Illegal Immigrants – Senate Hearing
“DRIVING PRIVILEGE LICENSES” AND PERMITS FOR UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS Senate Bill No. 183. BY Ciccone, Nesselbush, Quezada, Crowley, Miller
Saturday, June 10th, 6 pm to 9 pm
As AFSC-SENE winds up 15 years of work, we want to celebrate the community that we have been a part of. We will have food at 6:00 pm followed by music and poetry and speakers and maybe even some dancing as we wind down. To help the work we have been doing continue, this will be a fundraiser for the AMOR network, which is creating ways to keep our community safe in these Trumpian times. Tickets are $30, $60 or $90 (You pick). $50 for a family. There will be a timeline where you can add your memories. Book sale and lots of old AFSC “stuff”! Please join us!
NOTE: This Eventbrite invitation is housed by PrYSM, which is the fiscal sponsor for the AMOR Network.
Happy International Whores Day! June 2st 2017
April 17th Providence City Hall, the passing of the Community Safety Act (CSA)
At #clpp2017 and sex workers are welcomed and engaged in the reproductive rights movement talking about mass incarceration, motherhood, community, and women’s healthcare! Knowledge is power!
Monday, April 10th, 2017
Living my best life…
We attended the screening for Scarlet Rose & I got to take a pic with Rachel Wotton. Then we got to hear Elizabeth Bernstein & Wendy Hesford present. Then Elena Shih took us all out to a fabulous dinner, good wine and awesome food and great conversations. A huge thank you to Paul Maginn, Emily Cooper Erin Lee, for welcoming sex workers at AAG.
Thursday, April 6th, 2017
Dr. Elena Shih and Bella Robinson presenting “Policing Modern Day Slavery: Sex Work and the Carceral State in Rhode Island” at the American Association of Geographers 2017 in Boston
Coyote RI & Dr. Elena Shih presenting at The Boston Labor Conference Saturday, April 1st, 2017
March 28th, 2017 at 2:00 pm, Coyote RI educated some nursing students at RI College on the harmful effects of conflating sex work with sex trafficking.
“Women’s Rally, “Rise Up” March 25th, 2017
It’s time to RISE UP! Rhode Island. This rally is to honor and celebrate Women’s History Month and the work of multiple human rights organizations in RI. This non-violent gathering is led by the RI Chapter of the Women’s March Network – join us and add your voice to the chorus who believe in equal rights for everyone! You’ll hear from a diverse group of speakers, enjoy local musicians and food trucks. This event is co-sponsored by Working Families RI, Resist Hate RI, Coyote RI, the RI Democratic Party, and the Women’s Fund of RI. Please bring signs, wear your pink hats and gather at Roger Williams National Memorial on North Main St in Providence. This event is a PRO-human rights event that will be non-violent. Saturday, March 25th, 2017 from noon to 3 pm at Roger Williams National Park, 282 North Main Street Providence RI 02903 Coyote RI speech is here
FB photo album of the Rise Up Rally here
Rise Up Rhode Island Rally respectful, but no less resolute– By Amanda Milkovits-Mar 25, 2017
Brown University’s Sexual Health Education and Empowerment Council (SHEEC) invites you to our 8th Annual Sex Week: LIBER8 | CELEBR8! Mar 19 – Mar 24th, 2017. Our full calendar is available at:
In honor of “International Sex Worker Rights Day” March 3rd, 2017. US sex workers have created a public service announcement video. “Rescue Two Step”
Sex workers will strike against poverty, criminalization, and stigma on March 8th, 2017
U.S. Media Ignores International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers
Violence against sex workers a result of criminalization – RI Future
Mark your calendars for International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers
A call to end violence against sex workers