International Research



Violence against sex workers and survivors of trafficking: Submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women Link

Un/forgettable histories of US camptown prostitution in South Korea: Women’s experiences of sexual labor and government policies Link

A prostituição vista por nós mesmas Link

Puta Livro (Brazil) Link

“Just three people have been convicted of human trafficking or child sexual exploitation in Ireland, despite more than 1,200 related offenses coming before the courts in over a decade.” Link

Editorial: Gains and Challenges in the Global Movement for Sex Workers’ Rights Link

United Nations: Responding to the health and protection needs of people selling or exchanging sex in humanitarian settings Link

Indonesia. “It’s Not the Profession’s Fault: Sex Worker Violence Should Not Exist” link

Sex Worker Pride Day 2022 link

I Must Be Some Person: Accounts from Street Sex Workers in Ireland link

Pandemic sex workers’ resilience- COVID-19 crisis met with rapid responses by sex worker communities

Gains and Challenges in the Global Movement for Sex Workers’ Rights

Sex Work is Not Trafficking IWRAW, Asia Pacific 

NSWP Policy Brief- COVID and Sex Worker-led Organizations NSWP covid-19_sw_pb_prf01

First Global Report on Sex Worker Rights Defenders at Risk August 12th, 2021

Publication of issue 16 of Anti-Trafficking Review ‘Trafficking in Minors’April 29th, 2021

Human_Trafficking_and_Moral_Panic_in_Camobodia 2021

Sex Worker-led Organisations’ Engagement with International Policies and Guidelines: A Review of Policy Impacts from 2016–2020  case_study_policy_impacts_2016-2020_prf01

Empower University Library- 2020

KNOW YOUR RIGHTS – Enforcement at the Airport

Policy Brief: Sex Workers and Travel Restrictions– December 2019

A report published on the impact of sex purchase offense– September 18th, 2019


Sex Work and Trafficking: Moving beyond Dichotomies -August 25th, 2019

New DIIS report on human trafficking puts the Danish media-coverage under a critical spotlight -August 22nd, 2019

Human Rights Watch has conducted research on sex work around the world, including in CambodiaChinaTanzaniathe United States, and most recently, South Africa.  August 7th, 2019


Modern Slavery Act is having unintended consequences for women’s freedom in Sri Lanka– July 2019

Policy Brief: The Decriminalization of Third Parties– July 2019

Crimes against Morality: Unintended Consequences of Criminalizing Sex Work -June 2019

The New Virtual Crackdown on Sex Workers’ Rights: Perspectives from the United States– April 2019

Unacceptable Forms of Work in the Thai Sex and Entertainment Industry– 2019

Criminalization and repressive policing of sex work linked to increased risk of violence, HIV and sexually transmitted infections -December 11th, 2018

Dominican Republic: Sex workers ‘routinely’ tortured and raped by police -March 27th, 2019

Social Protection- NSWP 2019

Global Mapping of Sex Work Laws

Street Prostitution Zones and Crime -November 2017

The Impact of Anti-trafficking Legislation and Initiatives on Sex Workers- January 2019

Assessing the Power of Prostitution Policies to Shift Markets, Attitudes, and Ideologies- January 23rd, 2019

180 sex workers in the UK were murdered in Britain between 1990 and 2015– January 2019

The Ambiguous Taxation of Prostitution: The Role of Fiscal Arrangements in Hindering the Sexual and Economic Citizenship of Sex Workers-January 2019

No convictions secured against sex buyers since new laws introduced- Ireland -January 6th, 2019

Housing crisis ‘puts sex workers at risk of exploitation’ -December 26th, 2018

Swiss authorities refuse to close brothel, say it ‘fulfills social need’ -November 17th, 2018

Sex work: How to evaluate the impact of prostitution law? Oct 25th, 2018

Coyote  WHAT IS ZINE?   (SLIDESHOW) Sept 2018

Texas Christian University Presentation- Sept 2018

Protecting the Health and Rights of Sex Workers in the US and globally

Origins of the Red Umbrella as the Symbol of the Sex Worker Rights Movement

Empower University Library

End Demand’ Laws No Help for Sex Workers’ Access to Care-  July 26th, 2018

Incident of violence against women and girls by foreign anti-trafficking NGO-  July 23rd, 2018

Smart Guide to CEDAW-2018

In Its Haste to Rescue Sex Workers, ‘Anti-Trafficking’ Is Increasing Their Vulnerability–  July 14th, 2018


My Experience is Mine to Tell: Challenging the abolitionist victimhood framework

We’re Calling On Labour To Back Full Decriminalisation Of Sex Work July 2st, 2018

Governing in the Name of Caring—the Nordic Model of Prostitution and its Punitive Consequences for Migrants Who Sell Sex-July 6th, 2018

Briefing: Oppose a ban on sex workers advertising online-  July 1st, 2018

Rethinking the sociology of stigma- July 12th, 2018

Professor Explores Dark Side of the Anti-Trafficking Movement -May 8th, 2018

RAIDED by Sanstha (SANGRAM), India  March 2018

What makes sex workers strike: A comparative analysis of France (1975) and the UK (1982) June 2nd, 2018

Modern Trafficking, Slavery, and Other Forms of Servitude- Annual Review of Sociology July  2018

Vulnerable Here or There? Examining the vulnerability of victims of human trafficking before and after return– 2018

‘There  are  no Victims Here’: Ethnography of are integration shelter  for survivors of trafficking in Bangladesh 2018

Professor Explores Dark Side of the Anti-Trafficking Movement- May 8th, 2018

Insisting They Are Not Exploited, Israeli Strippers Protest Bill That Would Shut Down Clubs- May 3rd, 2018

Why the ‘Nordic Model’ sucks (with references) 2018

In the year since Ireland brought in the Nordic model, there has been a 54% increase in crime against sex workers reported to National Ugly Mugs Ireland, and violent crime is up by 77%.

Gendered Border Regimes and Displacements: The Case of Filipina Sex Workers in Asia-2018

Briefing Paper: Sex Workers’ Access to Comprehensive Sexual and Reproductive Health Services– March 2018

SANGRAM India-  Raided How Anti-Trafficking Strategies Increase Sex Workers’ Vulnerability to Exploitative Practices March 2018

Can Sex Workers Regulate Police? Learning from an HIV Prevention Project for Sex Workers in Southern IndiaFeb 25th, 2018

Briefing Paper: Migrant Sex Workers– Feb 5th,2018

Smart Guide: Advocacy Tools and Resources Used by Sex Worker-Led Organisations to Combat Violence-Jan 2018-NSWP


Internet making sex work safer, report finds- Jan 23rd, 2018

Support Asian and Migrant Sex Workers 2018


Human Trafficking Heroes and Villains: Representing the Problem in Anti-Trafficking Awareness Campaigns- Dec 8th, 2017

Prostitution Stigma and Its Effect on the Working Conditions, Personal Lives, and Health of Sex Workers  Dec 2017

Behind the screen: Commercial sex, digital spaces and working online– Nov 2017

Traffickers and Pimps in the Era of White Slavery Nov 2017

The SW Syllabus compiled by B. Schulte

The Realistic Response to China’s Prostitution Problem The country isn’t going to legalize sex work anytime soon, so here’s what we can actually achieve in the short term.- Nov 30th, 2017

Briefing Paper: The Meaningful Involvement of Sex Workers in the Development of Health Services Aimed At Them Nov 29th, 2017

 The dangers of drinking alcohol while taking antidepressants 

Community Guide Sex Work as Work 2017

Implementing comprehensive HIV/STI programs with sex workers: practical approaches from collaborative interv

Selling Sex in the City: A Global History of Prostitution, 1600s-2000s

Penile Microbiome Linked to HIV Risk in Uncircumcised Men- Sept 11th 2017

Editorial: The Presence of the Past: Lessons of history for anti-trafficking work by Julia O’Connell Davidson of University of BristolSchool of Sociology, Politics and International Studies…

Anti-Trafficking Review   No 9 (2017): Special Issue—The Lessons of History

Red Umbrella Fund grantee Empower today recently submitted a shadow report and attended the CEDAW Committee’s 67th session in Geneva this Summer.

National sex work policy and HIV prevalence among sex workers: an ecological regression analysis of 27 European countries  Dr Aaron Reeves, PhD Correspondence information about the author Dr Aaron Reeves, Sarah Steele, PhD, Prof David Stuckler, PhD, Prof Martin McKee, MD, Andrew Amato-Gauci, MD, Prof Jan C Semenza, PhD

Moralizing Public Space: Prostitution, Disease, and Social Disorder in Orizaba, Mexico, 1910–1945  By Sonja Dolinsek August 9, 2017

The international political economy of commercial sex by Wendy Lyon August 5th 2017

Editorial: Trafficking (in) Representations: Understanding the recurring appeal of victimhood and slavery in neoliberal times

First Vaccine Against Gonorrhoea Discovered By Scientists

Sex Work Criminalization Is Barking Up the Wrong Tree by Sonja Dolinsek July 31st 2017

The Virtues of Unvirtuous Spaces July 27th, 2017

Un/forgettable histories of US camptown prostitution in South Korea: Women’s experiences of sexual labor and government policies By Sonja Dolinsek- July 24, 2017


US Global Gag Rule Expansion by NSWP on 26th June 2017

Sex Work: The Four Legal Models  The explainer video seeks to explain the current four legal approaches/ models to sex work. The video explains 1) Criminalisation 2) Partial Criminalisation 3) Legalisation 4) Decriminalisation in a simple understandable way through animation.


Policing roulette: Sex workers’ perception of encounters with police officers in the indoor and outdoor sector in England by Sonja Dolinsek  June 20, 2017

Sex Work Criminalization Is Barking Up the Wrong Tree by Ine Vanwesenbeeck  June 5th 2017

Annual Report 2016 by NSWP -May 24th 2017

Article The Dynamics of Male and Female Street Prostitution in Manchester England by Graham Ellison  and Ronald Weitzer

Sex Work and Class by Maria Gabryszewska

Prostitution: You Can’t Have Your Cake and Sell It by Simon-Pierre  Chevarie-Cossette

The Politics of Evidence in Anti-Trafficking Work: Implications and ways forward Launch of Issue 8 of the Anti-Trafficking Review ‘Where’s the Evidence?’  Guesteditor: Sallie Yea Editor: Borislav Gerasimov

“Outdated Laws, Outspoken Whores”: Exploring sex work in a criminalized setting.  By Sonja Dolinsek April 20, 2017

Street Prostitution Zones and Crime By Stephen Kastoryano, Paul Bisschop, and Bas van der Klaauw April 19, 2017

Child Trafficking, Youth Labour Mobility and the Politics of Protection by Neil Howard -April 2017

The Smart Sex Worker’s Guide to Addressing the Failures of Anti-Sex Work Organisations By NSWP April 5th 2017

Global Consultant: Policy Brief on the Impact of Criminalisation on Sex Workers’ Vulnerability to HIV and Violence- by NSWP- April 6th 2017

Addressing the Failures of Anti-Sex Work Organisations Premiering #SWPrEP video:

The implications of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis on the sex industry. Report For more PrEP information visit:

Feminism, Prostitution and the State The Politics of Neo-Abolitionism Edited by Eilis Ward, Gillian Wylie

The Emotional Leviathan: How Street-Level Bureaucrats govern Human Trafficking Victims


Evidence Assessment of the Impacts of the Criminalization of the Purchase of Sex: A Review by Scottish Centre For Crime And Justice Research 15 Feb 15th 2017]

FEATURE-Cameroon’s sex workers brush off beatings to send clients for HIV tests Jan 26th 2017

Street Prostitution Zones and Crime by Paul Bisschop,  Stephen Kastoryano,  Bas van der Klaauw

Revitalizing Imperialism: Contemporary Campaigns against Sex Trafficking and Modern Slavery by Kamala Kempadoo

Prof. Joel Quirk lectures at Brown about sex workers By Andrew Stewart on March 27, 2016

Sharmila representing the Philippines Sex Worker Collective. She speaks on sex worker rights and her experiences working with trafficking NGO’s and how it changed her perspective.- Apr 7, 2016

“Count, Capture, and Reeducate”: The Campaign to Rehabilitate Cuba’s Female Sex Workers, 1959–1966-By Sonja Dolinsek February 18, 2017

TRAFFICKING PAST Exploring sex, work and migration in modern history 

Crossing borders to buy sex: Taiwanese men negotiating gender, class and nationality in the Chinese sex industry-byFeb 24th 2017

There are a number of reasons for supporting PrEP, but also a large number of reasons not to. Sex workers who have been part of trials have concerns about side effects and, given the failure rate in 2 African Women’s studies, efficacy. Also concerns about clients offering PrEP in place of condoms (how long must you take PrEP as a female sex worker before it is effective for vaginal or anal sex? If a male sex worker working with male clients, how long must you take it before it is effective if you are a bottom or a top? Would PrEP erode condom culture and the ability of sex workers to protect themselves from all STIs? If you are working in a country where sex work is illegal, would PrEP replace condoms as evidence used by the police?

Guidelines issued by WHO, UNAIDS, CDC, etc., all state that condoms *must* be used with PrEP, but on the ground, the reality is that most don’t. The reason why bacterial STI rates didn’t increase may have been because they were already high. With the increase in BB porn and BB parties, bacterial STIs (gonorrhoea, chlamydia, and syphilis), were already high. In NZ these three have been increasing amongst gay men since the rise of BB porn, with a related rise in HIV.

 Policy Brief: The Decriminalisation of Third Parties Submitted by NSWP on 13th March 2017