2007 – 2008 & Beyond Articles


Travelers snatch its logo back from Citi. Link


Lap Dancing in San Francisco and the Evolving Face of Sex Work in America (Comes Naturally #151)- September 8th, 2004-

Ah Toy, Pioneering Prostitute of Gold Rush California in 1848

The Playboy Club Bunny Manual- 1969

This interview with Angela Davis was originally published in the Vol. 10. no. 1 1999 issue of the Hastings Women’s Law Journal and is from Siobhan’s book-in-progress Dancing Shadows: Interviews with Men and Women Sex Workers of Color.

A Gentleman’s Directory (1870) | Prostitution in NYC 

2007: Bolivian Sex Workers Strike

UNAIDS Guidance Note on HIV and Sex Work

“In most countries, discrimination remains legal against women, men who have sex with men, sex workers, drug users, and ethnic minorities. This must change,” said former UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon. 

Irregular migration, Informal economies, Sex work: Metropolis Conference by Laura Agustín  Aug  24th, 2008

European Conference on Sex Work, Human Rights, Labour and Migration by Laura Agustín  Sept 24th, 2008

Not in My “Backyard Abolitionism”: Vigilante Rescue against American Sex Trafficking 2008

What’s Wrong with Helping? Another example from the world of sex work by Laura Agustín Oct 8th, 2008

The 1870’s Gentlemen’s Companion Guide- A Vest Pocket Guide to Brothels in 19th-Century New York for Gentlemen on the Go [link]

San Antonio was once home to one of the busiest red-light districts in the country 1988 [link]


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