COYOTE RIs Sex Work Policy- A Tribute to December 17th:
Defining Sex Work in the US:
- The New Virtual Crackdown on Sex Workers’ Rights: Perspectives from the United States [Link]
- Kamala Kempadoo- Global sex workers: rights, resistance, and redefinition
- Frédérique Delacoste and Priscilla Alexander – Sex work: writings by women in the sex industry [Link]
- Robinson- Shih- The History of Sex Work Law in Rhode Island [Link]
- “Understanding Sex for Sale: Meanings of Moralities of Sexual Commerce” by May-Len Skilbrei and Marlene Spanger [Link]
- “Are You Being Sex Trafficked?” By Tara Burns [Link]
- “Eight reasons why we shouldn’t use the term ‘modern slavery’” by Michael Dottridge [Link]
- “California Assemblyman: ‘We Have to Distinguish Between’ Prostitution and Sex Trafficking to Help Victims” by Elizabeth Nolan Brown [Link]
- “Sex-Trafficking Victim Arrested for Selling Sex” by Elizabeth Nolan Brown [Link]
- Theorizing Sex Work: A Sectoral Approach (2024) by Ronald Weitzer [Link]
- US Advisory Council on Human Trafficking 2024 Link
History of Sex Work in the US:
- Alison Bass – Getting Screwed: Sex Workers and the Law [Link]
- Mary Laing, Katy Pilcher and Nicola Smith – Queer Sex Work [Link]
- The Subject of Prostitution: Sex Work, Law, And Social Theory [Link]
- Alexandra Frell Levy – The Virtues of Unvirtuous Spaces [Link]
- Congress passes Mann Act, aimed at curbing sex trafficking [Link]
- The FBI and the Madams {Link}
- Hoke v. United States :: 227 U.S. 308 (1913) {Link}
- The ‘Social Hygiene’ Campaign That Sent Thousands of American Women to Jail [Link}
- 1870- A Vest Pocket Guide to Brothels in 19th-Century New York for Gentlemen on the Go {Link}
- The Girl Next Door_ A Comparative Appro…ation Within the Prostitution Industry
History of Sex Work in the Rhode Island
- Robinson- Shih- The History of Sex Work Law in Rhode Island [Link]
- Members of House Sex Work Commission critical of both process and final report {Link}
- International Whores’ Day June 2, 1975 Link
- International Sex Worker Rights Day March 3, 2001 {Link}
- International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers December 17, 20023 {Link}
Sex Work and the Trafficking Industrial Complex:
- Kamala Kempadoo – Trafficking and prostitution reconsidered: new perspectives on migration, sex work, and human right [Link]
- Why Was He Videoing Us?’: The ethics and politics of audio-visual propaganda in child trafficking and human trafficking campaigns July 2021 {link]
- 10 After Re-Criminalization- Reflecting on a Decade of Anti Trafficking Activism in Rhode Island 2019 (Coyote RI- CSSJ- Brown 2019) [Link]
- Group Opposing Sex Work Fund Prosectors to do Stings (Melissa Grant 20180 [Link]
- The Justice Department’s Fake Fight Against Sex Trafficking- June 25th, 2020 [link]
- Morgan Smith, Nina Satija, and Edgar Walters – Sold Out: How the crusade against sex trafficking in Texas has left child victims behind. [Link]
- Margaret Hartmann – President Likes Tweet About Sex-Trafficking Conspiracy Theory. [Link]
- Victoria Law – How $40 Can Land You In Prison For 7 Years And On The Sex Offender Registry For Life. [Link]
- Kimberley Waters – Rescued From Rights: The Misogyny of Anti-Trafficking [Link]
- Sine Plambech – My Body Is My Piece of Land. [Link]
- Laura Augustín – The New Abolitionist Model (Review of Julie Bindel’s latest book) [Link]
- Teju Cole – The White-Savior Industrial Complex. [Link]
- Carol Leigh – “Anti-Trafficking Industrial Complex Awareness Day”
Edition 1- [Link]
Edition 2- [Link] - Anti-trafficking, Policing, and State Violence- June 20th, 2020 [Link]
- Fact check: Mask-wearing not connected to child trafficking- August 11th, 2020-[Link]
- “The Social Construction of Sex Trafficking: Ideology and Institutionalization of a Moral Crusade” by Ronald Weitzer
- “The Priestess Identified Sex Worker: Prostitution as a Spiritual Revival” by Aphrodite Phoenix [Link]
- “The Issue of Consent in the UN’s Anti-Trafficking Conventions of 1949 and 2000 and the Ramifications on Female Sex Workers’ Rights in Thailand” by Jennie Alexandra Williams [ Link]
- “The Movement to Criminalize Sex Work” by Ronald Weitzer [Link]
- “The Fight to Decriminalize Sex Work” by OpenDemocracy [ Link]
- “Sex as Slavery? Understanding Private Wrongs” by Alison Brysk [Link]
- “Projects of Humanitarianism: Sex Trafficking and Migration in the Twenty-First Century United States” by Roxana Galusca [Link]
- “Beyond Sexual Humanitarianism: A Postcolonial Approach to Anti-Trafficking Law” Prabha Kotiswaran [Link]
- “Domestic Sex Trafficking and Exploitation of Aboriginal Women and Girls” by Nine Koebel [Link]
- “Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking” by Ronald Weitzer [Link]
- “Trafficking in Numbers: The Social Construction of Human Trafficking Data” by David A. Feingold [Link]
- “Transgender People and Human Trafficking: Intersectional Exclusion of Transgender Migrants and People of Color from Anti-trafficking Protection in the United States” by Anne E. Fehrenbacher, Jennifer Musto, Heidi Hoefinger, Nicola Mai, P.G. Macioti, Calogero Giametta & Calum Bennachie [Link]
- “Using Human Rights to Hold the US Accountable for its Anti-Sex Trafficking Agenda: The Universal Periodic Review and New Directions for US Policy” by Kari Lerum, Kiesha McCurtis, Penelope Saunders, Stephanie Wahab [Link]
- “What’s the Cost of a Rumour? A guide to sorting out the myths and the facts about sporting events and trafficking” [Link]
- “Base Motives: The case for an increased focus on wage theft against migrant workers” by Benjamin Harkins [Link]
- “Raising Awareness: of what? For what? By whom? For whom?” by David Feingold [Link]
- “Rich in funds but short on facts: the high cost of human trafficking awareness campaigns” by Anne Elizabeth Moore [Link]
- “Behind the Rescue: How Anti-Trafficking Investigations and Policies Harm Migrant Sex Workers BUTTERFLY editor & author: Elene Lam [Link]
- “The anti-trafficking rehabilitation complex: commodity activism and slave-free goods” by Elena Shih [Link]
- “Marketing mass hysteria: anti-trafficking awareness campaigns go rogue” by Christine Sardina [Link]
- “Rescued from rights: the misogyny of anti-trafficking” by Kimberly Walters [Link]
- “Rescue by ‘force’ or rescue by ‘choice’” by Barnali Das [Link]
- “Trafficking in Lies” by Juno Mac and Molly Smith [Link]
- “Why shelter homes feel like prisons for sex trafficking survivors, and how to change this” by Rumpa Gupta [Link]
- “Scandals in sex worker rescue shelters: is ‘awful’ distracting from ‘lawful’?” by Kimberly Walters [Link]
- “Se. Josh Hawley Says He ‘Took on an Asian Trafficking Ring’ and ‘Freed a Dozen Women in Sex Slavery.’ That’s Not True.”by Elizabeth Nolan Brown [Link]
- “The War on Sex Trafficking Is the New War on Drugs” by Elizabeth Nolan Brown [Link]
- “Charging Child Sex-Trafficking Victims With Prostitution Is the Only Way to Save Them, Say California Prosecutors” by Elizabeth Nolan Brown [Link]
- Not in My “Backyard Abolitionism”: Vigilante Rescue against American Sex Trafficking {Link}
Sex Work Activism:
- Open Democracy- Beyond Trafficking and Slavery- Decarceral Alliances in the Fight to Decriminalize Sex Work- (Robinson-Chin 2020) [Link]
- Open Democracy- Beyond Trafficking and Slavery- The Fight to Decriminalize Sex Work 2020 [Link]
- Sex Workers Enter the National Landscape as Presidential Candidate Consider Sex Work-Study (Robinson-Singh 2020) [Link]
- COYOTE RI- Global Implications of FOSTA (Peterson 2018) [Link]
- COYOTE RI Interviews Scott Cunningham- Baylor University (Peterson 2019) [Link]
- Melinda Chateauvert- Sex workers unite: a history of the movement from Stonewall to Slutwalk [Link]
- Mgbako, Chi – To live freely in this world: sex worker activism in Africa- [Link]
- Clayton Conn – The former sex worker who set up a retirement home. [Link]
- Beyond Strange Bedfellows- Political Research Association (Melissa Grant ) [Link]
- “Sex Workers Speak. Who Listens?” by P.G. Macioti and Giulia Garofalo Geymonat [Link]
- “Do Evidence-Based Approaches Alienate Canadian Anti-Trafficking Funders?” by Alison Clancey, Noushin Khushrushahi, Julie Ham [Link]
- “When Services Allow Organizing, Trafficked Workers Win” by Tiffany Williams [Link]
- “Anti-trafficking campaign harms migrant sex workers” [Link]
- “Sex workers speak: who listens?” by Giulia Garofalo Geymonat [Link]
- “Introduction: do the hidden costs outweigh the practical benefits of human trafficking awareness campaigns?” by Elena Shih and Joel Quirk [Link]
- “Putting sex workers’ rights at the centre” by Chus Alvarez [Link]
- How to Survive Being Rescued from Sex Trafficking by Tara Burns {Link}
- From Teenaged Prostitute to Sex Workers’ Rights Advocate by Tara Burns {Link}
- Are You Being Sex Trafficked? By Tara Burns {Link}
Current Issues: Policy, Perception, and SW Organizing Today
- Jen Kinney – Gentrification Threatens Vancouver Sex Workers. [Link]
- Kathleen Hawkins – How an ambulance became a place for safe sex. [Link]
- Sex Work Criminalization Is Barking Up the Wrong Tree – Ine Vanwesenbeeck. [Link]
- Lily Dancyger – Alaska Cops Defend Their ‘Right’ To Sexual Contact With Sex Workers Before Arresting Them– [Link]
- Jenavieve Hatch – Sex Workers In Alaska Say Cops Are Abusing Their Power To Solicit Sex Acts [Link]
- Melissa Gira Grant – ICE Is Using Prostitution Diversion Courts To Stalk Immigrants [Link]
- Sydney Brownstone and Steven Hsieh – City Attorney’s Crackdown on Johns Has Dire Consequences for Immigrants” [Link]
- Samantha Cole – Adult Content Creators Are Fighting Patreon’s New Anti-Porn Rules [Link]
- Samantha Cole Here’s How Patreon Politely Makes It Impossible for Adult Content Creators [Link]
- Kelly Michaels – Surviving As Working Class After Backpage [Link]
- Emma Whitman and Melissa Gira Grant, additional reporting by Rong Xiaoqing – Family, Former Attorney of Queens Woman Who Fell to Her Death in Vice Sting Say She Was Sexually Assaulted, Pressured to Become an Informant [Link]
- Casey Quinlan – Police Sexual Abuse Isn’t Just the Case of a Few ‘Bad Apples’ — It’s Systemic [Link]
- Elizabeth Nolan Brown “Damning New Report Shows How Oakland Cops Covered Up Their Sexual Exploitation of a Minor” [Link
- Elizabeth Nolan Brown “Prostitution-Ring-Running Cop Sees Court, But Police Who Extort Sex Often Go Unpunished” [Link]
- Elizabeth Nolan Brown D.C. Cop Pays 15-Year-Old for Sex, Steals the Money Back at Gunpoint Afterward” [Link]
- Elizabeth Nolan Brown- The Biggest Sex-Trafficking Bust in FBI History Was Totally Bogus- [Link]
- BlackHeaux- Why the stripper strike is so relevant and so long overdue [Link] Shawn Setaro –
- BlackHeaux- The Story Behind #NYCStripperStrike [Link]
- Anna Freeman – profile of Whoretography [Link]
- Alana Massey – Sex Workers Are N]ot a life hack for “helping” sexual predators [Link]
- Content from Tits and Sass from 2017
- Dale Corvino- Velvet Collar, The Rentboy Raid Inspired Comic Book [Link]
- Robin D– SESTA’s Growing Threat To The Sex Worker Internet [Link]
- Caty Simon- Activist Spotlight: Alex Andrews on SWOP Behind Bars And Service Work [Link}
- Caty Simon–The Eros Raid Means None of Us Are Safe [Link]
- Steve Chapman – Discussing Porn and Sexual Violence [Link]
- Scott Cunningham, Gregory DeAngelo, and John Tripp – Cracking Down on Craigslist puts sex Workers at Risk [Link]
- Maxine Doogan profile – founder of the Erotic Service Providers Legal, Educational, and Research Project (ESPLERP) [Link]
- Elizabeth Nolan Brown- Federal Court Ponders Constitutionality of Prostitution Ban [Link]
- Elle Lynn Stranger – I’m a Sex Worker Asking the 9th Circuit Court to Decriminalize Prostitution [Link]
- Tansy Breshears – “Stigma Against Sex Workers Must End” [Link]
- Rawiya Kameir – Cardi B Did It Her Way [Link]
- Publications by Sex Workers Out Reach Project [Link]
- Laura Augustin – “Becoming aware of awareness-raising as an anti-trafficking tactic” [Link]
- Carly Daniel-Hughes – “Evangelical women are shaping public attitudes about sex work” [Link]
- Aziza Ahmed – “The unintended consequences of Nick Kristof’s anti-sex trafficking crusade” [Link]
- “Preparing for Civil Disobedience: Indian Sex Workers and the Law” by Prabha Kotiswaran [Link]
- “Shouting into the Wind: Experiences of Testifying Against Bill C-36 The Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act” by Kerry Porth, Mary Burns, and Geneveive Fuji Johnson [ Link]
- “Sex Trafficking and the Sex Industry: The Need for Evidence Based Theory and Legislation” by Ronald Weitzer [ Link]
- “Regulating Sex Work: Heterogeneity in Legal Strategies” by Bill McCarthy, Cecilia Benoit, Mikael Jansson, and Kat Kolar [Link]
- “Prohibitory Prostitution Laws and the Human Right to Health” by Wendy Lyon [Link]
- “Sex Worker Rights Groups tell the United Nations how the U.S. Violates Human Rights” by New Jersey Red Umbrella Alliance [Link]
- “Almost Legal: migrant sex work in New Zealand” by Lynzi Armstrong [Link]
- “Sex work, labour unfreedom, and the law” by Katie Cruz [Link]
- “Sex workers’ response to the pandemic proves they aren’t society’s victims” by Alejandra Ortiz [Link]
- “Politics is at the heart of all sex worker organizing” by Ammar Cordoba [Link]
- “The fight to decriminalise sex work” by Elena Shih [Link]
- “ Sues Federal Government Over SAVE Act” by Elizabeth Nolan Brown [Link]
- “Watch: Reason Panel on Sex-Trafficking Policies” by Elizabeth Nolan Brown [Link]
- “Alaskan Escort-Service Owner Amber Batts Gets Five Years Prison for ‘Sex Trafficking’” by Elizabeth Nolan Brown [Link]
- “Prostitution Decrim Debated by New Hampshire Lawmakers” by Elizabeth Nolan Brown [Link]
- When Police Are the Pimps: The SBB Exclusive Interview with Donah Sandford – June 18th, 2020 [Link]
- Navigating Force and Choice: Experiences in the New York City Sex Trade and the Criminal Justice System’s Response [Link]
- “Survey on the Criminalization of Clients in France” Nicola Mai [Link]
- “How to Stage a Raid: Police, Media and the master narrative of trafficking” by Annie Hill [Link]
- “Beyond ‘raid and rescue’: time to acknowledge the damage being done” by Kimberly Walters [Link]
- “Chicago Cop Arrested for Sex Trafficking and Child Porn, Accused of Paying Teens — Including Braces-Weating 14-Year Old — for Sex” by Elizabeth Nolan Brown [Link]
- “‘National Sex Trafficking Crackdown’ Nets Zero Sex Traffickers” by Elizabeth Nolan Brown [Link]
- “Congress Wants to Let Cops Wiretap Sex Workers, the CDC Study Them, and Homeland Security Screen Them” by Elizabeth Nolan Brown [Link]
- “ICE Agents Fight Sex Trafficking by Paying Potential Victims for Hand Jobs” by Elizabeth Nolan Brown [Link]
- “Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart Creating National Database of Sex Buyers” by Elizabeth Nolan Brown [Link]
- “Lewd Acts and Prostitution Among Charges for California Cops — If Alleged Victim Gets out of Florida Jail” by Elizabeth Nolan Brown [Link]
- “Prostitution-Ring-Running Cop Sees Court, But Police Who Extort Sex Often Go Unpunished” by Elizabeth Nolan Brown [Link]
- “D.C. Cop Pays 15-Year-Old for Sex, Steals the Money Back at Gunpoint Afterward” by Elizabeth Nolan Brown [Link]
A Reading List on SESTA/ FOSTA
- The New Virtual Crackdown on Sex Workers’ Rights: Perspectives from the United States (Meghan Peterson, Bella Robinson, and Elena Shih 2019) [Link]
- Medium, myth vs fast, what you need to know about SESTA/FOSTA: [Link]
- Amy Zimerman, Daily Beast, The New Law that Puts Transgender Sex Workers in Danger {link}
- Lorelei Lee, The Establishment, Bernie Sanders and My Mom and the Attack on Sex Workers {Link}
- Melissa Gira Grant, In Justice Today, FOSTA Backers to Sex Workers: Your Work Can Never Be Safe {Link}
- Melissa Gira Grant, In Justice Today, Broken Covenant: A Homeless Youth Organization’s Assault on Trafficking Is Making Women More Vulnerable {Link}
- Elon Green, Columbia Journalism Review, Q&A: Melissa Gira Grant on How Sex Workers Changed the Stormy Daniels, SESTA Narratives {Link}
- Samantha Cole, Motherboard, Pimps Are Preying on Sex Workers Pushed Off the Web Because of SESTA-FOSTA {Link}
- Danielle Butler, Huffington Post, The Criminalization of Sex Work is Not a Fringe Issue {Link}
- Kitty Stryker, Broadly, 6 Sex Workers Explain How Sharing Client Lists Saves Lives {Link}
- The Root and Jezebel, Watch: This is How New Legislation Puts Sex Workers in Danger {Link}
- Lux Alptraum, NBC News, To End Sex Trafficking, Stop Arresting Sex Workers {Link}
- Elizabeth Nolan Brown, Reason, New Backpage Ruling Lays Bare Some of the Lies Undergirding FOSTA {Link}
- Amy Martyn, Consumer Affairs, Are Lawmakers Trying to Kick the Sex Trade Offline? {Link}
Sex Workers Rights
- The Cut (Melissa Gira Grant), 7 Sex Workers on what it means to lose backpage: [Link]
- Tits and Sass, sex workers are not collateral damage an interview with Kate D’Adamo: [Link]
- Tits and Sass, Post-SESTA/FOSTA Self-Censoring for Twitter, Reddit, and other Social Media: [Link]
- Jezebel, Facing SESTA and Political Threats [Link]
- Vice, Sex Trafficking Bill Will Take Away Online Spaces Sex Workers Need to Survive [Link]
- “Rights not rescue for migrant sex workers” by Luca Stevenson [Link]
- “We have the right not to be ‘rescued’: When Anti-Trafficking Programmes Undermine the Health and Well-Being of Sex Workers” by Aziza Ahmed and Meena Seshu [Link]
Dating/Online Community (LGBTQ rights, not explicitly sex work)
- Washington Post, As Craigslist personal ads shut down, we’re losing an important queer space [Link]
Digital Censorship
- Slate, Why Internet Advocates Are Against the Anti–Sex Trafficking Bill: [Link]
- Tech Freedom, Merging SESTA & FOSTA Would Harm, Not Help, Trafficking Victims: [Link]
- Electronic Frontier Foundation, Stop SESTA/FOSTA: Don’t Let Congress Censor the Internet: [Link]
- The technology liberation front, Revised FOSTA is a big improvement over SESTA—but still not perfect: [Link]
- Technology, Marketing, and Law Blog, Why FOSTA’s Restriction on Prostitution Promotion Violates the First Amendment: [Link]
- The EARN it Bill is the Government’s Plan to Scan Evert Message Online [Link]
- Webcam Startup, List of Services That Have Impacted By SESTA/FOSTA [Link]
New Zealand
- The Nature and Extent of the Sex Industry in New Zealand: An Estimation- 2005 [Link]
- The Social Construction of Sex Trafficking: Ideology and Institutionalization of a Moral Crusade- RONALD WEITZER (Need to add pdf link)
- The Nature and Extent of the Sex Industry in New Zealand: An Estimation- 2005 [Link]
More Research @