Exploring “Craigslist’s Effect on Violence Against Women” January 2019

  Exploring the groundbreaking study.  Craigslist’s Effect on Violence Against Women “The ability for sex workers to move indoors and advertise online resulted in less violence/ rape/ female homicide rates and increased the number of workers who became independent sex workers. “  PAGE 14 “We can calculate the number of saved female lives using a back-of-the-envelope calculation. …

After Fosta, It’s like Hunger Games on Sex Workers

The passing of Fosta (Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act)  is a hate crime. Congress is trying to kill Sex Workers! After FOSTA Slideshow Following the passage of SESTA,  a sex worker-led organization COYOTE-RI conducted an impact survey and documented 260 responses (and growing). The data is still being collected and analyzed, but we have some clear takeaways that must …