Sex Workers Oppose HR 1865

Sex Workers Oppose HR 1865.  This horrible bill will censor the internet and remove our right to free speech. In 2016 there were only 1007 sex trafficking cases, and only 595 of them were confirmed and cleared,  so in reality, there were only 595 sex trafficking cases for the entire country in 2016.   This is …

Sex Trafficking Inside the Trump Campaign- This is not Fake News

  How a future Trump Cabinet member gave a serial sex abuser the deal of a lifetime Then– January 2018: Trump declares January ‘National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month’ Wait for it —- February 2018: Trump Campaign Co-Chair Sentenced to 20 Years for Trafficking Minors and Sexual Abuse Some of his criminal behavior occurred during the campaign. ByTom …

‘They Don’t Want to Include Women Like Me.’ Sex Workers Say They’re Being Left Out of the #MeToo Movement

‘They Don’t Want to Include Women Like Me.’ Sex Workers Say They’re Being Left Out of the #MeToo Movement By SAMANTHA COONEY Like millions of others, Melony Hill took to social media last fall to say “me too.” The 36-year-old Baltimore resident disclosed on Facebook and on her blog in October that she had experienced sexual violence. But rather than receiving an …

Sex Workers Decry ‘Moral Panic’ Over Human Trafficking by Victoria Mckenzie

Sex Workers Decry ‘Moral Panic’ Over Human Trafficking by Victoria Mckenzie At the height of national outrage over what government officials and activists call a human trafficking “epidemic,” sex workers are challenging what they say are misleading and harmful efforts to link prostitution to sex trafficking. “People have used this moral panic, this idea that …

Addressing Propaganda on Super Bowl Sex Trafficking-2018

Women news should lose all credibility for publishing this nonsense   As far “Super Bowl Weekend – Where Sex Traffickers Win” by Vednita Carter,    Why are Swerfs (Sex worker exclusionary radical feminism) and Terfs ( Trans-exclusionary radical feminism so willing to throw poor women under the bus just so they can profit off their trafficking NGOs. Every …

Update from the Ninth Circuit ESPLERP v GASCON (#16-15927) Jan 2018

Today we announced that we have filed a petition in the Ninth Circuit for a rehearing “en banc” (before an eleven-judge panel) asking the full Ninth Circuit Court to reconsider the dismissal of ESPLERP v Gascon [case #16-15927], which challenged California’s anti-prostitution law Penal Code 647(b) on the grounds that it is unconstitutional. You can …

Las Vegas Women’s March Includes Sex Workers- 2018

Las Vegas Women March Includes Sex Workers I am a mother, I am a grandmother, I am a great-grandmother, and I am a sex worker. As I stand here today, I look out and wonder how many of us, intentionally or unintentionally, place our boots on our sisters’ necks? That under the crushing weight of …

Women March Rhode Island Includes Sex Workers #WMWRI18

  Women March Rhode Island Includes Sex Workers #WMWRI18   Coyote RI was one of the many local organizations who tabled at RI Women’s March. We had a 60 people sign up for our email list, and over 100 people stopped at our table.  We engaged with strippers from Westerly, and we had students from 3 …

Best Practices for Connecting “People Involved in the Sex Industry” with Services by Coyote RI

Best Practices for Connecting “People Involved in the Sex Industry” with Services by Coyote RI Our Mission is to provide a nonjudgmental, safe and supportive environment that allows “the client” time to decide what they want next and what steps they need to take to get gain stability.   Our goal is to provide enough information …

ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS is the Decriminalization of Sex Work

  All I want for Christmas is the decriminalization of sex work because it’s the gift that keeps on giving – not just to me. I’m not being selfish, even though it would benefit me as a sex worker in the US  where sex work is criminalized. For me, decriminalization would mean I have the …