International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers 2019

International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers- 10 Years of Organizing Under Criminalization  In 2003, renowned sexologist, educator, and former sex worker Annie Sprinkle organized the first “International Day To End Violence Against Sex Workers.” Today we mourn for the 48  sex workers who were lost to violence in 2019 and we renew our …

How Many Sex Trafficking Headlines are Bogus? Lots of them!

International Sex Workers’ Rights Day’s history goes back to 2001 when over 25,000 sex workers gathered in India for a festival despite efforts from prohibitionist groups who tried to prevent it from taking place by pressuring the government to revoke their permit. Sex worker groups across the world have subsequently celebrated the day as International …

The Real Story About Robert Kraft’s Prostitution Arrest

Let’s unpack this headline Robert Kraft’s Prostitution Arrest Isn’t Just A Tabloid Scandal — Especially For The Women There is no evidence that the women were trafficked, or lured in with the promise of other jobs. Let’s not forget when the K girls were arrested in Seattle, the cops said these women just don’t understand …

Anti Prostitution Lobby Attacks John Jay College Professors to Discredit their Research.

    UPDATE JULY 13, 2020 Judge Allows Professors’ Libel Case Against Ex-Students to Go Forward  Updated September 2020.  The smoking gun.  The following 2 legal briefs prove that the 2 women made up all the accusations against the John Jay College professors so they could try to discredit their research that was published in …

Seven Police Officers Charged with Running Eight NY Brothels & then 40 Year old Cop Rapes 15 yr Old Girl

 Let’s take a closer look at how the media covered this story.   7 NY police officers have been arrested for running 8 NY brothels. They used women from Central America  and yet the media doesn’t mention the word trafficking. This shows how much prosecutors and the police control the narrative in the media, because …

COYOTE August 2018 Newsletter

COYOTE August 2018 Newsletter Happy August! We’ve had a busy month planning new campaigns and partnering with other community organizations in Rhode Island, nationally, and globally. In this newsletter, we’ll talk about COYOTE-RI’s work both nationally and in the community, research findings and a report back on sex worker-led actions from #AIDS2018 in Amsterdam, as …

Watch Out Congress, US Sex Workers are Coming for Their Rights

Did Congress really think that Sex Workers were gonna just lay down? I have always said that sex workers are some of the most resilient people I know. Last week Bella Robinson, executive director of Coyote RI  (Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics) attended a historical US sex worker Summit in LA. It was awesome.  Coyote RI was …

Travel Advice For Sex Workers & Models

BORDER COACHING –for Canadian & USA/International models traveling to/from the United States I travel a decent amount, and the more you travel alone, the more they are likely to question you at the border. I heard a few models were turned away at the US border last year when trying to attend XBIZ Miami from …