I saw someone post that they encountered an ICE checkpoint in NYC. Here’s the deal -Border Patrol can verify citizenship within 100 miles of a border or “external boundary.” This includes coastlines, so NYC, Philadelphia, and all of NJ are within the 100-mile zone. -Border patrol can only ask brief questions about citizenship, and …

Watch Out Congress, US Sex Workers are Coming for Their Rights

Did Congress really think that Sex Workers were gonna just lay down? I have always said that sex workers are some of the most resilient people I know. Last week Bella Robinson, executive director of Coyote RI  (Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics) attended a historical US sex worker Summit in LA. It was awesome.  Coyote RI was …

International Sex Workers Day in RI- June 2nd 2018

Taking back the neighborhood, Rally Against Criminalization Rally! A huge thank you to Sophia Wright & Ria Moni & Julianna Brown for helping to organize this event. Thank you to Christopher Johnson for being our  MC, and all our volunteers and speakers. A special thank you to our community who came out to support sex workers rights. We …

International Sex Worker Rights Day- March 3rd, 2018

International Sex Worker Rights Day History: This day’s history goes back to 2001 when over 25,000 sex workers gathered in India for a festival despite efforts from prohibitionist groups who tried to prevent it taking place by pressuring the government to revoke their permit.  The event was organized by Durbar Mahila Samanwaya Committee, a Calcutta …

‘They Don’t Want to Include Women Like Me.’ Sex Workers Say They’re Being Left Out of the #MeToo Movement

‘They Don’t Want to Include Women Like Me.’ Sex Workers Say They’re Being Left Out of the #MeToo Movement By SAMANTHA COONEY Like millions of others, Melony Hill took to social media last fall to say “me too.” The 36-year-old Baltimore resident disclosed on Facebook and on her blog in October that she had experienced sexual violence. But rather than receiving an …

Sex Workers Decry ‘Moral Panic’ Over Human Trafficking by Victoria Mckenzie

Sex Workers Decry ‘Moral Panic’ Over Human Trafficking by Victoria Mckenzie At the height of national outrage over what government officials and activists call a human trafficking “epidemic,” sex workers are challenging what they say are misleading and harmful efforts to link prostitution to sex trafficking. “People have used this moral panic, this idea that …

‘We’re sex workers and we vote’: Women’s March event shines light on a marginalized group”

Arielle Aquinas, an adult-film actress and former professional dominatrix, attends the Power to the Polls rally in Las Vegas to speak out for sex-worker rights. (Photo: Ronda Churchill for Yahoo Lifestyle) Of the many, many impactful statements made onstage at the Women’s March Power to the Polls event in Las Vegas on Sunday, one stood out for the …

Las Vegas Women’s March Includes Sex Workers- 2018

Las Vegas Women March Includes Sex Workers I am a mother, I am a grandmother, I am a great-grandmother, and I am a sex worker. As I stand here today, I look out and wonder how many of us, intentionally or unintentionally, place our boots on our sisters’ necks? That under the crushing weight of …