International Sex Worker Rights Day 2022

International Sex Worker Rights Day History: This day’s history goes back to 2001 when over 25,000 sex workers gathered in India for a festival despite efforts from prohibitionist groups who tried to prevent it taking place by pressuring the government to revoke their permit.  The event was organized by Durbar Mahila Samanwaya Committee, a Calcutta …

After FOSTA- Many of the Systems and Institutes that are Supposed to Protect us are Sent to Erase us

“Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.”  “Congress is Tying to Kill Sex Workers and Disconnect Them From their Community and Vital Support Services”  by Bella Robinson, executive director of Coyote RI (Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics) April 6th, 2018 FOSTA (Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act) is a war on poor women.  This hate …

International Sex Worker Rights Day- March 3rd, 2018

International Sex Worker Rights Day History: This day’s history goes back to 2001 when over 25,000 sex workers gathered in India for a festival despite efforts from prohibitionist groups who tried to prevent it taking place by pressuring the government to revoke their permit.  The event was organized by Durbar Mahila Samanwaya Committee, a Calcutta …