International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers 2019

International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers- 10 Years of Organizing Under Criminalization  In 2003, renowned sexologist, educator, and former sex worker Annie Sprinkle organized the first “International Day To End Violence Against Sex Workers.” Today we mourn for the 48  sex workers who were lost to violence in 2019 and we renew our …

Former Sex Trafficking Victim, Thomia Hunter Granted Clemency, After Serving Life Sentence For Killing her Trafficker.

When You Are not the Right Kind of Victim. Thomia Hunter, a woman who was sentenced to life in prison for,  the 2005 killing of the abusive man who had trafficked her into prostitution, has reportedly been granted clemency by Ohio Governor John Kasich. Hunter will be released in June 2019. Hunter’s lawyer, Tiffany Smith, …

Seven Police Officers Charged with Running Eight NY Brothels & then 40 Year old Cop Rapes 15 yr Old Girl

 Let’s take a closer look at how the media covered this story.   7 NY police officers have been arrested for running 8 NY brothels. They used women from Central America  and yet the media doesn’t mention the word trafficking. This shows how much prosecutors and the police control the narrative in the media, because …

Watch Out Congress, US Sex Workers are Coming for Their Rights

Did Congress really think that Sex Workers were gonna just lay down? I have always said that sex workers are some of the most resilient people I know. Last week Bella Robinson, executive director of Coyote RI  (Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics) attended a historical US sex worker Summit in LA. It was awesome.  Coyote RI was …

International Sex Workers Day in RI- June 2nd 2018

Taking back the neighborhood, Rally Against Criminalization Rally! A huge thank you to Sophia Wright & Ria Moni & Julianna Brown for helping to organize this event. Thank you to Christopher Johnson for being our  MC, and all our volunteers and speakers. A special thank you to our community who came out to support sex workers rights. We …

FOSTA Passes in the Senate: CityVibe & The Erotic Review Shuts Down

FOSTA (Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act)  Passes in the Senate:  CityVibe & The Erotic Review Shuts Down I never dreamed the collateral damage of Fosta would appear so quickly.  Trump hasn’t even signed it into law yet and yet it seems has closed without warning.   FOSTA Passes Senate, Making Prostitution Ads a Federal Crime Against Objections …

Whitewashing Abolition: Race, Displacement, and Combating Human Trafficking

Since the passing of the 2000 UN Palermo Protocol, efforts to combat human trafficking have received concerted attention from global governance agencies, nation-states, civil society, academic institutions, faith communities, the private sector, and even Hollywood actors and NFL quarterbacks. Brown University’s Center for the Study of Slavery and Justice (CSSJ) Human Trafficking research cluster, founded …

Sex Workers Oppose HR 1865

Sex Workers Oppose HR 1865.  This horrible bill will censor the internet and remove our right to free speech. In 2016 there were only 1007 sex trafficking cases, and only 595 of them were confirmed and cleared,  so in reality, there were only 595 sex trafficking cases for the entire country in 2016.   This is …