After FOSTA- Many of the Systems and Institutes that are Supposed to Protect us are Sent to Erase us

“Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.”  “Congress is Tying to Kill Sex Workers and Disconnect Them From their Community and Vital Support Services”  by Bella Robinson, executive director of Coyote RI (Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics) April 6th, 2018 FOSTA (Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act) is a war on poor women.  This hate …

FOSTA Passes in the Senate: CityVibe & The Erotic Review Shuts Down

FOSTA (Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act)  Passes in the Senate:  CityVibe & The Erotic Review Shuts Down I never dreamed the collateral damage of Fosta would appear so quickly.  Trump hasn’t even signed it into law yet and yet it seems has closed without warning.   FOSTA Passes Senate, Making Prostitution Ads a Federal Crime Against Objections …

What Everyone Can Learn from Sex Workers About How to Screen Dates

What Everyone Can Learn from Sex Workers About How to Screen Dates by Allison Tierney As dating apps such as Tinder have become standard, some of us who’ve partaken have likely met up with a complete stranger before with little to no screening process. Going on a date with a stranger can be pretty nerve-wracking …

Sex Workers Oppose HR 1865

Sex Workers Oppose HR 1865.  This horrible bill will censor the internet and remove our right to free speech. In 2016 there were only 1007 sex trafficking cases, and only 595 of them were confirmed and cleared,  so in reality, there were only 595 sex trafficking cases for the entire country in 2016.   This is …