Global Implications Of FOSTA by Meghan Peterson

On April 11, 2018, the Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act (SESTA) and Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act (FOSTA) were signed into law. FOSTA/SESTA outlined new provisions to amend the Communications Decency Act; importantly, they note that websites can be prosecuted if they engage “in the promotion or facilitation of prostitution” or “facilitate traffickers in advertising …

Anti Prostitution Lobby Attacks John Jay College Professors to Discredit their Research.

    UPDATE JULY 13, 2020 Judge Allows Professors’ Libel Case Against Ex-Students to Go Forward  Updated September 2020.  The smoking gun.  The following 2 legal briefs prove that the 2 women made up all the accusations against the John Jay College professors so they could try to discredit their research that was published in …