Recent Prostitution Raids Demonstrate how Anti-Prostitution Rhetoric Harms Victims

  On June 17th Cranston Police and the Department of Homeland Security, which houses ICE, carried out coordinated raids on six Asian Spas. A recent episode of The Blue Campaign featured an Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agent and a representative from the National Human Trafficking Hotline explaining how the Human Trafficking Hotline assists ICE. Clips …

Sex Workers Decry ‘Moral Panic’ Over Human Trafficking by Victoria Mckenzie

Sex Workers Decry ‘Moral Panic’ Over Human Trafficking by Victoria Mckenzie At the height of national outrage over what government officials and activists call a human trafficking “epidemic,” sex workers are challenging what they say are misleading and harmful efforts to link prostitution to sex trafficking. “People have used this moral panic, this idea that …