Watch Out Congress, US Sex Workers are Coming for Their Rights

Did Congress really think that Sex Workers were gonna just lay down? I have always said that sex workers are some of the most resilient people I know. Last week Bella Robinson, executive director of Coyote RI  (Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics) attended a historical US sex worker Summit in LA. It was awesome.  Coyote RI was …

‘They Don’t Want to Include Women Like Me.’ Sex Workers Say They’re Being Left Out of the #MeToo Movement

‘They Don’t Want to Include Women Like Me.’ Sex Workers Say They’re Being Left Out of the #MeToo Movement By SAMANTHA COONEY Like millions of others, Melony Hill took to social media last fall to say “me too.” The 36-year-old Baltimore resident disclosed on Facebook and on her blog in October that she had experienced sexual violence. But rather than receiving an …

Las Vegas Women’s March Includes Sex Workers- 2018

Las Vegas Women March Includes Sex Workers I am a mother, I am a grandmother, I am a great-grandmother, and I am a sex worker. As I stand here today, I look out and wonder how many of us, intentionally or unintentionally, place our boots on our sisters’ necks? That under the crushing weight of …