How to be an Ally to Sex Workers (Korean)

How To Be An Ally to Sex Workers-  Coyote RI 성노동자와 연대하는 법 1) Don’t Assume that you know why a person is in the sex industry.  Most people make a choice to enter the sex industry because it is the best option for them.  Many sex workers only have to work a few hours …

如何成为性工作者的支持者 — Coyote RI- (How to Be an Ally to Sex Workers) Mandarin Chinese

  How To Be An Ally to Sex Workers-  Coyote RI 如何成为性工作者的支持者 — Coyote RI 1) Don’t Assume that you know why a person is in the sex industry.  Most people make a choice to enter the sex industry because it is the best option for them.  Many sex workers only have to work a …

Know your rights cards-in Korean- By Coyote RI

IF YOU ARE STOPPED BY THE POLICE…KNOW YOUR RIGHTS… 경찰을 만났을 때 나의 권리 알기   STAY CALM, No matter how agitated or hostile the police act, DON”T lose your temper. 침착하세요. 경찰이 당신에게 얼마나 적대적이고 과격하던, 흥분하지 마세요.   ASK THE OFFICER, if you are “BEING ARRESTED OR IF YOU ARE FREE TO GO”. …

Know your Rights Card COYOTE RI ( Mandarin Chinese)

Know your Rights Card COYOTE 罗德岛:权利须知卡 IF YOU ARE STOPPED BY THE POLICE…KNOW YOUR RIGHTS… 当你被警察拦住时,记住你的权利…   STAY CALM, No matter how agitated or hostile the police act, DON”T lose your temper. 保持冷静,无论警察表现得有多粗鲁和凶狠,不要对警察发脾气。   ASK THE OFFICER, if you are “BEING ARRESTED OR IF YOU ARE FREE TO GO”. 向警察询问,“你现在是否被逮捕,还是可以离开”。   DON”T TALK: TEll the police …

Investigating Drug Stigma and the Fake Hysteria Created by Prisons so they can Increase their Profits.

Katie Mulvaney who is a staff writer at the Providence Journal wrote the article below. She seems to buy into what government officials tell her, rather than investigating and reporting a more realistic view of the story. An Unknown substance found at women’s unit at ACI; 8 hospitalized for testing This is the same fake hysteria they …

Seven Police Officers Charged with Running Eight NY Brothels & then 40 Year old Cop Rapes 15 yr Old Girl

 Let’s take a closer look at how the media covered this story.   7 NY police officers have been arrested for running 8 NY brothels. They used women from Central America  and yet the media doesn’t mention the word trafficking. This shows how much prosecutors and the police control the narrative in the media, because …

COYOTE August 2018 Newsletter

COYOTE August 2018 Newsletter Happy August! We’ve had a busy month planning new campaigns and partnering with other community organizations in Rhode Island, nationally, and globally. In this newsletter, we’ll talk about COYOTE-RI’s work both nationally and in the community, research findings and a report back on sex worker-led actions from #AIDS2018 in Amsterdam, as …


The USA Further Endangers Sex Workers and Threatens Internet Freedoms. Sex Workers are dying and are at an increased HIV risk under the recent passing of USA policy (SESTA/FOSTA) with global implications.   The legislation SESTA/FOSTA,  signed by President Trump on April 11th, 2018, shuts down websites where sex workers advertise, and it removes the …

Crockor @CrockorUS to the Rescue

Crockor @CrockorUS to the Rescue. US President Donald Trump signed a combined bill into law known as FOSTA (Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act) SESTA (Stop Enabling Sex-Trafficking Act) in the hope of combating illegal sex trafficking online. The move means that what has been dubbed one of the most important pieces of internet legislation, Section 230 …

International Sex Workers Day in RI- June 2nd 2018

Taking back the neighborhood, Rally Against Criminalization Rally! A huge thank you to Sophia Wright & Ria Moni & Julianna Brown for helping to organize this event. Thank you to Christopher Johnson for being our  MC, and all our volunteers and speakers. A special thank you to our community who came out to support sex workers rights. We …