Sex Workers Decry ‘Moral Panic’ Over Human Trafficking by Victoria Mckenzie

Sex Workers Decry ‘Moral Panic’ Over Human Trafficking by Victoria Mckenzie At the height of national outrage over what government officials and activists call a human trafficking “epidemic,” sex workers are challenging what they say are misleading and harmful efforts to link prostitution to sex trafficking. “People have used this moral panic, this idea that …


WHAT DO SEX WORKERS WANT? Decriminalization, Labor Rights, Anti-discrimination Legislation Sex workers want consensual adult sex work to be decriminalized.  We demand our right to agency and our labor rights, and we demand discrimination and hate crime legislation.  After we accomplish these goals it will still take several decades for public perception to change and …

International Day To End Violence Against Sex Workers

International Day To End Violence Against Sex Workers Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics (Coyote RI)  joins sex workers, allies and advocates from around the world in recognizing December 17th, as International Day to End Violence against Sex Workers.  As we approach Dec 17th, we come together to publicly honor sex workers that we have lost …